Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wheel Aversion

Is it just me, or is anyone else repulsed by Wheel of Fortune?

I have nothing against Pat, Vanna, or the contestants. However, when the intro music comes on after the local news, I must change channels. I can be several rooms away, absorbed in a project, and the 'alarm' goes off. Locate remote, change channels, anything else is acceptable. I could watch hours of Lawrence Welk or Hee Haw with greater ease than five minutes of the wheel.

I can't put my finger on it, but this aversion exists.

1 comment:

Holly Jamin said...

I am laughing hysterically. I have a similar aversion to the Jay Leno commercial/music that blares on at the end of ER every Thursday night. Makes my skin crawl. And I can't get Tivo to stop recording it, because the ER credits run through it and I'm afraid to miss promos for THE ER I WON'T WANT TO MISS. If I can't get to the pause button on Tivo before it blasts on, I have a physical reaction involving my blood pressure.