Thursday, February 02, 2006

Mrs. Tuppington, Shorty, Melvin & Hildy

My writing group has a blog now too - it's stlwriters.blogspot (I think). One of these days I'll add it as a link to my blog. We all met while taking an intro writing class and out of 15 students, we've created a lovely quartet. We've only met as a group twice so far, and will meet on a biweekly basis, but I have a good feeling about us. Everyone contributes and has so much to offer. Last weekend we reviewed a second draft of 'Tom's Place' by Norma Jean. The feedback, depth of discussion, thoughts - everything - was great. Next week my draft of 'Oddly Comforting' is up for review. I'm ready to breathe new life into the story. It feels recycled right now, so either I'll be energized to work on a next draft or shelve it while taking away some good insights on my writing. Watch this space.

Also ready to re-read the next draft of the other stories - 'The Importance of Credit' and 'Mrs. Tuppington Takes a Trip'. Can't recall if this is the correct title of the last one (sorry, Temporary Digs) but the main character - Mrs. Tuppington with her mug - isn't easily forgotten.

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