Tuesday, February 07, 2006

London Town

Just booked my ticket ... in one month's time I'll be in London. London, London, London. Even better yet, I'm visiting my college roommate & her husband who are currently living in a two-bedroom flat near Hyde Park. Great city, great friends, great times ahead. They've been there almost a year, and will probably stay for at least another year. I'm intrigued to see where they land next. . . but all in due time.

I'm torn because part of me wants to be the big tourist and hit the museums I've not been to (like the Tate Modern which is housed in a former power plant, the Victoria & Albert, etc), go on the Jack the Ripper tour, take in a musical/play in a small, intimate West End theatre, shop, eat, gawk, and most importantly - get lost so I get a better sense of my bearings, and (as an added bonus) find some pretty wonderful 'off the beaten path' places along the way. I've gotten lost (not always by design) a handful of times in Paris and it's one of my favorite things to do.

But I've also made the mistake of programming the days on vacation in a city and ended up exhausted - it's the tour guide/travel planner in me. And thus the other half comes into play ... to relax in the moment. To simply spend quality time with two of my favorite people in the world, who happen to live the farthest away from me (compared to my other FPITW). After all, I've been to London before, I'll go again. (In fact, R&J if you're reading this, how does Fall 2006 look on your calendars?!)

The planner/tour guide just needs to sit back and let the passenger enjoy the ride. If not, the passenger might suffocate the planner. . . and where would the balance be?

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