Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Captain Darkoffice

So Captain Darkoffice - formerly a source of entertainment - became my boss last month. Must admit that at first, I wasn't totally keen on it. More like mentally resistant, but for no good reason ... apart from the fact that he looked like a gamer rather than a boss. Torchiere lamp, hunched over laptop, earbuds in, and a goofy sense of humor.

Anyway, since I had no professional reason to dispute the change in reporting, I (grudgingly) tried to warm up to the idea.

And I must confess that I've been pleasantly surprised ... not to mention relieved that he has the sense to turn on the overhead lights when others come to his office for meetings - at least most of the time.

Nevertheless I am changing positions within the company and will soon be leaving Captain Darkhorse.

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