Tuesday, June 06, 2006

"You usually don't make out with guys you know"

On the drive home tonight I caught up with my friend M. We each replayed the highlights of our weekends.

We try to, once a week, meet for lunch in addition to our phone calls. Last week's lunch included 1.5 beers each. Just what the doctor ordered! I love that she lives & works close to my job for those much needed breaks.

Tonight's conversation featured our usual juggling of at least three topics at once. The highlight was today's title - an observation, perhaps even an epiphany, about M.

M is known for her one-night-macks with acquaintances, almost strangers. They meet and part in just a few hours. They flirt, she fires off her quick witted banter over beers, and once they've had a good make out session, she's done with them.

I wish I could be as sharp with the oneliners and comebacks as she is. It's amazing!

Anyway, M is known for certain things (like peeing and talking). But one thing she is not known for is casual macking with men who know her non-bar name. I forget what her bar name is, or which fake accents she's used, and many of her other adventures with boys at bars. I only know that she never macks with someone she really likes. They're usually strangers - guys she wouldn't let have a gulp of her beer - but after a few beers, a kissing session is in order. We all have our quirky routines, this is one of M's.

What is noteworthy is that this weekend she broke from tradition and made out with a longtime family friend. Quite the exception for Miss M - who knows what it means? Could be the beginning of a serial making out with the same guy!

Maybe he'll even be inducted into the elite group of friends & family that talks with her while she's tinkling! :)

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