Thursday, June 22, 2006

Mind Your Manners - Communal Living 101

I tried to capture a photo of the Hahvahd dorm bathroom rules, but I'm not yet well versed with my digital camera to get anything but a fuzzy orange rectangle.

Needless to say, the rules about what is and is not acceptable in the sink, toilet & shower stall were explicit. Acceptable activities were no more than 3 per item while forbidden activities ranged from 7-15! All of this was particularly entertaining to me as I approach 35 and have never had to walk down the hall to shower - not in college and certainly not now.

The shower rules were particularly impressive. From what I recall, one cannot leave bodily fluids such as mucus or blood on the shower floor; urinate; vomit; engage in sex; smear hair on the shower walls; or many other activities that you wouldn't want to see/hear/smell if you were in the next stall. Does this need to be said? I mean this is Harvard, not summer camp for 10-16 year olds?! Couldn't a "please be mindful of others and clean up after yourself" reminder suffice, if even that? Geez.

Moving on, the list for the sink included prohibiting the hand-washing of clothing, cutting nails and many of the forbidden activities for the shower.

And for the toilet, they reminded occupants that they may need to flush multiple times!

Anyway, all of this was very amusing to me.

When telling my cousin RHB about this, she asked if this list was laminated or not (it isn't),which made me wonder if the sign really stays that pristine or if they reprint & re-post it on a regular basis.

By the way, the shower, sinks, and toilets looked pretty good. Course it was move in day, they had been vacant for awhile and perhaps a cleaning service had been in ... Who knows?!

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