Monday, August 20, 2007

I'm McLovin Them Cupcakers

This weekend I saw "Superbad" with at least 50% of the SLU & Wash U students at the Chase. They were ALL there ... which made it all the more entertaining while waiting in line to enter the theatre - excellent teenage people watching! The flick was a pretty good, sex-crazed teenage boy movie with lots of laughs with prime billing of my boy Michael Cera from "Arrested Development."

Also checked out Jilly's Cupcakes - yum, yum. Highly recommended for double duty - eye candy and taste bud tantalizing - all at the same time.

Final bit of the weekend was sweating outside at a bbq - and carrying a pan of cooked meat 1/2 mile - from one pavillon grill to the pavillon with all the peeps. Fun, fun.

Ta, MB

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