Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Monday afternoon I waited for one hour in my rheumatologist's waiting room ... no Mr. Toto or other odd creature sightings, unfortunately.

I then spent another hour waiting in the exam room.

I nearly napped on the exam table but I have an aversion to those things, so instead spent another hour in an institutional chair. The magazines were old and mostly Better Homes and Gardens types so no good mindless distractions to be had.

I did notice however that the fluorescent lighting, large mirror and sink in the exam room would be perfect, if I only had a pair of tweezers to shape my brows and pull out a few gray hairs.

But I didn't.

So instead I scribbled some ideas for my next short story submission, made a mental note of a few brow hairs to pluck at home in my non-fluorescent lighted bathroom, and chatted on my cell.

And then my doctor came in, uttered a thousand apologies (her partner wasn't there and thus she had twice the number of appointments), checked me out and off I went for another four months. . .

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