Friday, July 13, 2007

Babies, Babies, Everywhere

80% of the people I know are having babies in 2007. This is not (much) of an exaggeration. While I love babies, and am exceptionally excited for my friends and for the bounty of babies in which to quench my baby yearnings, it does seem a little like a conspiracy. But I've never been known for over-analyzing, chasing my tail mentally in circles, like a crazy-wild dog. No, I never over think, ever.

Honestly, it's all good stuff. And it makes sense as I'm in my mid-30s (aka "almost 40" as my friend ML reminded me) that many of my friends who did not have kids in their 20s would be doing it now before the big four-oh.

Gotta admit that I hadn't planned on being where I am, right here, right now, at 36. It's a good place, far from bad, and I feel more in charge, in control and confident than ever before - but I guess in some ways I always assumed I'd be married and have kids by now. No minivan, mind you - EVER - but kids, yes.

Funny how we have control over so many things - but the more elusive ones - such as getting pregnant, carrying to term, finding Mr. Right - don't always adhere to our own timeline. I used to make fun of the chick on The Bachelor a few years back who said on the first night of the show "my eggs are dying." I don't feel that strongly, but I am aware more than ever that eggs don't regenerate like sperm.

As the biological clock ticks, and I kiss a few more frogs off the internet, I do wonder if/when I make a choice to have a child - whether in vitro or via adoption - or keep dating and waiting for the spouse.

They're very different - children and husbands - and can be unique from one another ...

My friend M says she'd rather have a husband than a child. If I had to pick, with my somewhat pessimistic outlook on the longevity of marriages, right now I'd probably go for the child and hope that in the next 40 years of life I find the man to complete the puzzle.

Wow. Hadn't anticipated on returning to the blog after a month or so absence with such a post, but here it is.

I'll try to get back on sooner than later with something a little lighter and entertaining.