Sunday, April 08, 2007

Evil Twin

Somewhere out there is my evil twin. I have a hunch that she lives in North Carolina, or used to.

Now she's married to the EFW that I always thought I'd be married to - before he went radio silent but after he told me he had met my twin at the grocery store. Yes, my twin - same infectious laugh, hazel eyes, blushing complexion. But in North Carolina.

I didn't know that I had a 'twin' and never thought real people actually met at the grocery store. I picture them meeting while sniffing or squeezing avocados (or whatever you do to test their ripeness) and then some cheesy pick up line about guacamole. And then I flash forward to the wedding - where the whole avocado incident is shared with the guests, laughter ensues, blah blah blah.

Who does that? Who meets the Mr or Mrs Right in the produce section? If you ask me, that's the stuff of 1980's romantic comedies, not real life in the past decade! Anyway, that's how my evil twin met my EFW. Or so I imagine from his cryptic messages.

In college my friends M & T were often confused for one another. It was mainly the beer goggling frat boys who confused them. They did bear a certain resemblance, but T was definitely the evil twin. M, even in her wildly out of character moments could not compete against T for the title of most wicked. They'd often exchange tales of boys who thought they were the other, referencing past shacking experiences and details. It was pretty entertaining stuff. Course, a lot about college is entertaining without evening trying to be.

Anyway, bygones to my twin ... and now it's up to me to be the wicked one!